8th Grade Civil War Poster Project


The Civil War Poster Project

100 pts.

Directions: Your assignment is to choose an individual or battle from the Civil War to research and create a poster for presentation.  Use the following checklist as you work.  If you READ the directions carefully, you WILL be successful!

_______ /5 pts. Create a Title for your poster (name of individual OR battle “The Battle of Gettysburg”, “Abraham Lincoln”)—This must be TYPED and PRINTED

_______/30 pts. You must include 3 typed (14 pt. font) paragraphs about your individual or battle

            If you are covering a PERSON, your paragraphs should include:

1.     Description of their place of birth and family life

2.     (2 paragraphs) Description of their involvement in the war (were they a soldier? Famous general? Nurse? Politician? And describe HOW they influenced the war)

If you are covering a BATTLE, your paragraphs should include:

1.     Describe the generals and units involved in the battle

2.     (2 paragraphs) describing the EVENTS of the battle and the EFFECTS of the battle (who won? What were the casualties? Was this an important victory? Or defeat? And why?)

_______/ 30 pts. Visuals: You must have 3 visuals on your poster

If you are doing a Battle, 1 MUST be a map of the battlefield (see examples in textbook)—visuals should be large and clear enough that they can be seen from across the room.


_______/ 5 pts.  All text is TYPED and edited for grammar and spelling

_______/5 pts. The poster is NEAT, all pictures and text are CUT OUT neatly and mounted neatly on the board

_______/5 pts. Bibliography includes ATLEAST 3 sources, is typed, and follows correct citation format (see back)

______/ 20 pts. Presentation: Student must present poster to classmates.  When presenting, you must speak clearly, and describe all elements on your poster.  Part of your presentation grade includes your ability to listen well while others present.

______/ 100 pts. Total

All posters are DUE: Thursday, June 2

8th Grade Webquests:

African American History Biographies (8th Grade Honors)

During the month of February, the Honors classes will be researching biographical information about important characters in African American History.  This work will take the place of weekly current events.  All biographies will be presented in class on Fridays.
Please use the template below to guide you in creating your presentation:

Current Events!

Every week we will examine events in the news. I will assign a topic on Monday and you have until Friday to locate an article on that topic.  We will present our findings every week, unless notified otherwise.  You are to analyze that article using the questions on the Current Events worksheet; or by identifying:

1. Article Title
2. Author's Name
3. News Source (Title of Newspaper or web address)
4. What? (summarize in your own words!)
5. Who?
6. When and Where?
7. Why is this important?
8. How does this connect to you personally?

Here are a few helpful news sources:

Current Events Report Form:

Week of: 9/27 TOPIC: Middle East Peace (Israel & Palestine Conflict)
Week of 10/18: TOPIC: Typhoon in the Philippines
Week of 10/25: TOPIC: Cholera in Haiti
Week of 11/1: TOPIC: Elections results in MI Governor's race
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